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pátek 8. ledna 2010

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Předmět: NF News No.36
Datum: 8.1. 2010, 16:14 - dnes v 16:14




No. 36                              Weekly E-News of the National Front                          9 th January 2010
Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one most anti-British act that could most easily defeat us.”


I have been using our website and Nationalist forums to galvanise support for the National Fronts stance against the proposed extremist Muslim anti-British march in Wootten Bassett
I have issued a Press release to the Wiltshire media and press outlets and also to the local police (the PR can be seen below).
At every turn my intention was to involve all White Nationalists in a united front against this threat to our way of life.
Wootten Bassett has become synonymous with our returning fallen and the town has become a focal point for our Nations grief.
The people of the town have for over a 100 times stood in respectful silence as the coffins are driven past, they have done our Nation proud.
When I heard that there was to be an anti-British extremist Muslim march through the town I felt outrage and anger.
If they wanted to protest against British foreign policy then why not march to Westminster or NO.10?
However by choosing Wootten Bassett their intention must be to cause maximum insult to the fallen and their families and also to generate as much anger amongst decent British people as possible.
There are over 200,000 of those decent British people who have signed an anti-march page on Facebook.
Quote:-“Wootten Bassett residents said they would barricade the street to stop a march by Islamic protesters going ahead.
Others have labelled the proposed demonstration by Islam4UK in their market town as “obscene”.
The National Front is made up from ‘ordinary’ decent British people just like you and as such we too are angry at this proposed insult to our fallen. But you know it is more than an insult to our fallen.
I think it is an insult to every White British Citizen in the country, I think it is also an insult to the very country that feeds and clothes these people.
As a White Nationalist, as White Nationalist’s, we perhaps have a more vested interest than “ordinary” citizens and for that reason I have been using what knowledge and influence I have to try and maximise the publicity about this event to ensure a maximum White Nationalist counter demonstration should this obscene march take place.
With the proviso that should this anti-British extremist Muslim march take place on a day of repatriation the National Front’s planned counter demonstration will not take place out of respect to our fallen and their families.
It is therefore obvious to assume that if it takes place on a non-repatriation day the National Front will put hundreds of its members onto the streets in a massive counter demonstration.
Our numbers will be swelled by White Nationalists from all over the UK I know this due to the number of emails I have received to that effect.
The ball is in the police court as I have contacted them and told them the same thing.
We are the National Front and we will not be intimidated nor will we allow OUR fallen Soldiers and their families to be disrespected and degraded by people who support those who have killed OUR troops in the first place.
This is OUR country and these are OUR streets we will take them back if necessary of that you must have no doubt.
The National Front supports ALL OUR armed forces although we want OUR troops brought home now.
As this newsletter goes to non NF members too, anyone interested in joining this anti-extremist Muslim demonstration can contact me on 07704 703489 or email nfpressoffice@googlemail.com
Tom Linden (NF Press and Publicity)

Calling all Nationalist Comrades!
We have been told the news that the Islam4UK group are planning on disrespecting the dead by marching through Wootten Basset at some point. On their website they have not given out a date as of yet.
We are not letting these people march through British towns, which are renowned for the repatriation services for the poor soldiers who have died in Afghanistan, unopposed. The Swindon and Thames valley NF's will be getting some kind of demo organized. We need everyone who is available to turn up.
At the moment the date is unknown, but we will let everyone know as soon as we know.
Please let me know if you are interested
Mike (Swindon NF Organiser)

We must show our opposition to these people taking to OUR streets and degrading the home coming of OUR fallen Soldiers.
Tom Linden (NF Press and Publicity Officer)
Tel. 07704 703489


Since it was set up in August 2009, the National Front online enquiry form has generated over 900 enquiries all of whom have received an information pack. All have also been added to the NF News subscriber base. If YOU are reading this and have not joined or are a committed Nationalist looking for a new home then this message is for YOU!
Dear Patriot,
Some while ago you submitted a form for information regarding joining the National Front. We hoped you received your information pack and found yourself in agreement with our British Nationalist beliefs. It may be that you have already joined our Movement or are still considering it. The good news is you can now join online. The annual subscription is £10.00 and you can join NOW by clicking on the link below. If you haven't yet joined why not take up this great opportunity to join the only genuine White Nationalist Party in Britain?
Looking forward to you joining our struggle for our Race and our Nation. JOIN by clicking on this link: http://www.national-front.org.uk/join.htm
NF Information Department

One of the little known steps towards destroying Europe through the EU and other attendant organisations is the Barcelona declaration. The document is disturbing for British sovereignty to say the least – visit the website below for the full and horrifying details…..

BBC blows millions on Alan Yentob follies

Arts projects to mark the refurbishment of Broadcasting House are costing the licence fee payer dear
One critic said it made him feel sick, but for BBC licence fee-payers it is more likely to provoke feelings of fury.

It has emerged that the corporation spent £25,000 to send a remote-controlled model helicopter equipped with a camera flying over Broadcasting House for just two minutes. It is part of an arts “celebration” of the corporation’s flagship building in central London that is costing licence fee-payers £3.9m.
Other recipients of the corporation’s largesse include a photographer who was paid £70,000 to take pictures of those involved in refurbishing the building and three artists who received £24,000 between them to design “wraps” to hide the project’s scaffolding.
Another artist has received £150,000 to create an archive of visitors to the building.
The project’s high-spending patron is Alan Yentob, the corporation’s creative director.
The helicopter’s footage was meant to be an archival record of the skyline, but the still images posted on the BBC’s website show that some sections are obscured by the sun.
The resultant film from Catherine Yass, a video artist, was entered for the Turner prize and was supposed to “capture our desire to fly”. One critic said the loop-the-loop camera work captured only his desire to vomit.
The BBC is now in flight from critics who say the artistic trimmings for Broadcasting House are an unnecessary extravagance that panders to the ego of Yentob. Even one of the artists commissioned said his work was a waste of money.
The spending by the BBC’s public art group is revealed in documents obtained under freedom of information laws. The cost includes £760,000 for designing and planning the work, as well as employing Modus Operandi, a firm of arts consultants.
The arts bill is part of an £813m project to renovate the 1930s art deco building in Portland Place and add a large extension. The complex is meant to house all radio, news and World Service broadcasts when it is completed in 2012. It is already three years late and £20m over budget.
The BBC says it was forced to provide public art as part of its planning permission for the redevelopment from Westminster council.
Yentob’s committee hired Modus Operandi, owned by Vivien Lovell who previously ran the now-defunct Public Art Commissions Agency, to draw up a brief and lists of artists for each piece of artwork.
The BBC paid Rachel Whiteread, the sculptor, £54,000 to commemorate the building’s Room 101, the inspiration for George Orwell’s torture chamber in his novel 1984. Whiteread made a cast of the entire room which went on display at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London before returning to her collection.
Nick Danziger, a photographer, was paid £70,000 to take pictures of the BBC staff, contractors and architects involved in the refurbishment of the building.
Ron Haselden, an installation artist, received £150,000 so that visitors to Broadcasting House can have their picture taken and be added to an archive that will be shown on LED screens at the entrance.
Three artists, Fiona Rae, William Furlong and Liz Rideal, received £8,000 each to make wrap-arounds to hide the scaffolding on the building. Rideal’s showed hands pulling at drapes as if to open them.
A public piazza designed by Mark Pimlott, a Canadian-born artist, is costing £1.65m.
Antoni Malinowski, a Polish-born painter, was offered £65,000 to devise a colour scheme for the building. “I went for it because I believed in the old ethos of the BBC and I was prepared to do anything for them — but I would rather they never bothered me in the first place,” he said this weekend.
“It was a waste of money, but more importantly it was a waste of human energy and ideas.” Malinowski was paid only a fraction of the fee after the original architects he was working with were replaced.
The Broadcasting House bill forms part of £4.88m that the BBC spent on art in the past decade, including £372,000 on a piece by Toby Paterson outside its new Glasgow headquarters, criticised for looking like a washing line.
Brian Sewell, the art critic, said: “I do not think in hard-pressed times like this the BBC should fork out money for artists. It is not their business. Why are they doing it? It comes out of the licence fee. “It infuriates me that Alan Yentob has any say in the matter. He is now the most important critic in the country.”
Philip Davies, a Tory member of the Commons culture, media and sport select committee, said: “The BBC does not live in the real world. This kind of largesse would be unthinkable to any other organisation in the public sector.
“I favour top-slicing the BBC’s licence fee income and handing the money to commercial broadcasters to do something to serve the public. It is better than spending tens of thousands of pounds satisfying Alan Yentob’s art preferences.”
Lovell, the owner of Modus Operandi, said: “The BBC is one of the flagship cultural organisations in the country and, as such, it should commission art. It is money well spent and far below 1% of the cost of the [entire] project.”
Yentob refused to comment last week. “For a start I don’t know much,” he said. “This is not the right moment because I’m away.”
The National Front says NO to BBC licence fees and YES to putting the BBC back into patriotically minded British hands! We are fed up with alien brainwashing on out TV sets.
For a bit of light relief, why not visit the ALTERNATIVE New Labour website? It’ll warm up your spirits in this cold weather! http://www.thelabourparty.org.uk

Remember the Holocaust!
Swindon National Front will be holding a Remembrance Day activity for
the ten's of millions of victims of the World Communist Holocaust
This looks like being a big event so please make every effort to support it!
The victims of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other Communist murderers must NEVER
be forgotten!
Contact Mike at Swindon NF on: 07890802883 swindonnf@yahoo.co.uk

King’s Lynn NF are having a “Day of Action on Saturday 16 th January. The NF team welcome your support. For details contact 07757 818851

Things look on course for a MAJOR London on Sunday 21 st February. The NF is looking forward to a very, very big turnout in the light of recent and not too distant changes in the Nationalist scene (there will be a recruitment desk manned all through the rally!). Main speakers (to be confirmed) are Tom Sunic and Norman Lowell, backed up by leading NF speakers. This is going to be a keynote rally of 2010. (Entrance fee £10 includes buffet)

NF North-East will be holding a big meeting EVERY month. The main speaker for the January meeting – Sunday 24th January - is Eddy Morrison. Full details from Regional Organiser, Simon Biggs on 07017 410522.
There will be a major meeting of the Scottish National Front in February. We are awaiting a firm date and will publish it in NF News as soon as it is known. For details contact nfscotland@yahoo.com or phone - 07826 577635. Just as in Ulster and Wales, NF Scotland is on the move!

NF BRADFORD MEETING – Sunday 31 st January
Bradford National Front have their first meeting of 2010 arranged for Sunday 31 st January. Speakers include Tom Linden (Yorkshire NF organiser). Eddy Morrison (NF information Dept), Dr. Jim Lewthwaite (Bradford NF), Andy Gray (Northants NF) and Steve Smith (Burnley NF).
For details contact National Front Bradford Contact line: 07939795553


Have YOU renewed your Annual Membership Subscription for 2010 yet? The annual subscription is just £10 per year. Renewals are now being taken and should be sent to:-
The Secretary
PO Box 114, Solihull,
West Midlands, B91 2UR.
0121 2466838
07950 474 625
Renew early - 2010 Membership Cards are already going out
The National Front is the only true racial-nationalist party now in Britain.
There is no better way to fight for your Race and Nation than being a paid up member of the renascent NF

BRITAIN FIRST” No.8 January 2010 issue OUT NOW!
Eight news and views packed pages - includes two page spread of new Remembrance Day March photos.
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National Front News is produced by the National Publicity Department of the NF. Copyright 2009. NF News may be reprinted as long as no part is altered and the whole publication is reproduced in total.
NF News can be contacted at nfnews@ntlworld.com Editor – Nice Guy Eddy.
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