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pátek 5. února 2010

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Předmět: National Front News No.40
Datum: 5.2. 2010, 12:01 - dnes v 12:01


No. 40                              Weekly E-News of the National Front                          06 th Feb 2010

The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free to do than in what we are free not to do.” Eric Hoffer (1902-1983) American philosopher and author.
At the Bradford meeting of the National Front on Sunday 31 st January, NF speaker Eddy Morrison called for the repeal of the Race Acts and the restoration of free speech to be made a Number One priority as far as NF propaganda was concerned.
As long as we have to whisper or even avoid telling the real truth about Race and Immigration in Britain then Free Speech is a very bad joke. The tyrannous Race Laws were introduced in the 1960’s and have been tightened up regularly and nearly always directed against White Nationalists. The latest version of them in 2001 was amended and updated until they and their twin ugly sister – the Public Order Act are so severe, with the maximum sentence now being a shocking seven years imprisonment for doing something ‘likely to cause racial hatred’, that they are in all reality a licence for our Labourite Stalinist police state to clamp down on ANY dissension or true discussion of the multi-racial nightmare we now all are forced to live in – even though we never asked for it.
Freedom of speech in Britain is now virtually impossible in any real terms. The multi-racialists know they have made a gross mistake in creating an unworkable multi-racial society – though it could be argued with the number of ‘former’ Communists now in our Government, Judiciary and Civil Service – it is no mistake at all but a well planned attack on the very existence of our race and nation.
Remember it is not many years ago when the Communist (ex?) and now ‘Justice Minister’, Jack Straw made the statement concerning making racist remarks at home was not illegal YET. Just think about that truly shocking and utterly totalitarian statement.
The NF is a Free Speech Association and stands for the repeal of all the Race Laws and the Public Order Act and the restoration of freedom of thought, speech and action for the people of Great Britain. New leaflets will be out soon reflecting this Free Speech Campaign and the March issue of “Britain First” will be a special “Free Speech” issue.
The Lisbon Treaty is the European Constitution in disguise. It has been rejected by France, Holland and Eire. The EU is keeping it alive on a life support machine.
They have changed the label on the tin it is a Self Amending Treaty and the unelected EUC will be able to change anything in it without involving any elected parliament.
The ethos of our police is quietly changing from that of the British bobby to that of Europol. Europol can arrest you without evidence they can also detain you without charge for any period they wish.
They are not accountable for wrongful arrest or unacceptable behaviour ‘Politically Correct’ police are being fast tracked through the ranks so that the ‘service’ is slowly becoming a political arm of the government
The Euro gendarmerie are cloned from the French CRS (riot police) The CRS have gained a most unpleasant reputation for the brutal manner in which they suppress civil unrest and dissent. The UK Territorial Support Group seems to be moving in that direction using the anti-terror laws as an excuse.
The unelected EU commission intend to control all press and media by issuing an EU press card. They will decide who can and who cannot be a journalist
If journalists do not report the EU in the approved manner then they will have their press cards confiscated. A 16 page document has been issued telling the press how and how not to report the EU.
The Lisbon Treaty (aka The European Constitution) cannot be held hostage to ‘democratic voting’ Peter Mendelssohn
“I have never understood why public opinion about European ideas should be taken into account.” Raymond Bare Former French Prime Minister
“The Europe of the Maastricht Treaty could only have been created in the ‘Absence of democracy’ Clause Chanson Former French Foreign Secretary
“Britain’s exports to the rest of the world are classed as exports from the EU if they happen to be shipped via Rotterdam”
“The democratic experiment in Europe has failed. We must now move on to a post democratic society (also known as the third way) - The European Commission”
Edward Heath PM - “The British people are too stupid to be involved in governing themselves”
Tom Linden (NF Press and Publicity)

The Movement has now a central contact point for the newly established North West Region of the National Front. The NF now has a PO Box and Contact number for the North West of England. With the BNP Reform Group now joining the NF and ably led by Chris Jackson and Kevin Bryan, the NF can look forward to a period of rapid expansion throughout Lancashire and the North-West.
National Front North West
PO Box 15,
OL14 7NQ
Contact: 07814440949
There are also NF Official Contacts established in both Burnley and Oldham

Channel Four are to air a new documentary “Young, Angry and White” which will feature prominently the leader of the Young National Front. It is to be shown in February though as yet we do not have a set date.

In a time when Marxist New Labour are putting thirty-three new laws on the statute books every day – in other words – inventing 33 new ‘crimes’ – look at some of the ridiculous laws which are still on our books! Maybe one day we’ll see the Race Act on the same list such as Witch Burning which has now been thrown into the dustbin.
You may not have robbed a bank, but thanks to some silly rules that still languish on Britain's statute books, you might find you're a regular law-breaker.
Thanks to a law enacted by Edward VI, between 1547 and 1553, it's illegal to stand sockless within 100 yards of the Queen.
Also, make sure you keep your dogs on a tight leash when in barking distance of the Queen and her beloved corgis.
As the result of a law passed by George I during his reign (1714-1727): 'The severest penalties will be suffered by any commoner who doth permit his animal to have carnal knowledge of a pet of the Royal House.'
Spring cleaning can put you on the wrong side of the law, particularly if you're the sort who likes to take a dusty carpet out into the street for a good beating.
Section 60 (3) of the Metropolitan Police Act, 1829, makes it an offence in London to beat your carpet in the street, attracting a £200 fine - unless beating takes place before 8am. It was all part of an attempt to clear up the dirty London streets.
Thanks again to Henry VIII's son Edward VI, anyone found breaking a boiled egg at the sharp end could be sentenced to 24 hours in the village stocks. Some say the King made the order because he was fastidious about etiquette.
All those who live south of the border, count your blessings. In Scotland, if someone comes knocking on your door who's bursting for the loo, you're required by law to direct them to your facilities.
It's also legal for a pregnant lady to relieve herself anywhere she fancies - even in a policeman's helmet.
North of the border, it is also legal for a male to pee in public, as long as it is on the rear wheel of his motor vehicle and his right hand is placed firmly on the vehicle at the time.
Flying a kite, sliding on ice, slipping on snow or pretty much everything that's fun is forbidden by Section 54 of the Metropolitan Police Act, 1939, if it's done in any street or thoroughfare and annoys anyone who lives there or is passing through.
Offenders could face a £1,000 fine or 14 days imprisonment.
Beware all beachcombers. If you stumble upon a dead whale at low tide, do not take it home with you.
Because the Royal Prerogative 1324 (officially called the Prerogativa Regis), states the head of any dead whale or sturgeon found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the King (if there is one) and the tail belongs to the Queen.
It dates to Edward II (1307-1327). According to old English judge William Blackstone, the aim was to 'furnish the Queen's wardrobe with whalebone' and fashion those new royal corsets.
If you're planning some DIY and you live in London, don't even think of walking home from the shop clutching a new plank of wood.
Because thanks to another antiquated law, while it's fine to load planks straight into your waiting car, it's an offence (maximum £500 fine) to carry a plank across a pavement.
It is also against the law to 'roll or carry any cask, tub, hoop or wheel, or any ladder, plank, pole, showboard, or placard, upon any footway, except for the purpose of loading or unloading any cart or carriage, or of crossing the footway'.
According to ancient statute, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls of York, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow at the time. And it's not a Sunday.
It is also high risk for Welshmen to visit Hereford on a Sunday, where it's legal to shoot the Welsh all day, provided it takes place with longbows.
Life's a joy if you're a Freeman of London. Not only are you permitted to drive a flock of sheep across London Bridge, you can also herd a gaggle of geese down Cheapside.
Even better, you can get as drunk and disorderly as you like without being arrested.
This is according to The Freedom of the City of London, an old book of traditional ceremonies and privileges first presented in 1237.
It is still a title taken up by 1,800 people every year.
Thanks to a law created by Edward II in 1313 - known as the Coming Armed to Parliament Act - it is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of armour.
It's also illegal to drop dead in Parliament, according to the 1887 Coroners Act, which was 're-enacted' by the 1988 Coroners Act.
Some experts argue it's a misunderstanding and the law actually says that if anyone dies in 'the limits of any of the Queen's palaces' - of which Parliament is one - then a special inquest has to be carried out by the Queen's Coroner.
If you're caught at a supermarket checkout without enough cash, don't, whatever you do, ask to borrow money from a stranger.
Because while you may not feel like a beggar, you'll be classed as one under the Vagrancy Act 1824. This all came about to deal with the huge numbers of veterans and Irish and Scottish migrants who flooded to London in search of work after the Napoleonic Wars.
It is illegal to eat mince pies anywhere in England on Christmas Day.
Oliver Cromwell considered pies a forbidden pagan pleasure and on December 22, 1657, his Puritan Council banned consumption of mince pies on Christmas Day.
Ever hailed a black cab as it speeds towards you, with its yellow 'for hire' light beaming like a beacon on a dark night? Well, you're a criminal.
For according to the strict letter of the 1843 London Hackney Carriage Act, London cabbies are allowed to seek custom only when they're stationary.
Thankfully, the police have come to an ' understanding' with cabbies that allows them to flout this law.
Incidentally, under the same legislation, taxi drivers are also required to ask all passengers if they have the plague.

East Sussex NF are hoping to hold their first meeting in the Spring. We are awaiting a date but all members from the South Coast and South east as well as supporters will be most welcome. Guest speaker will be Eddy Morrison. East Sussex NF can be contacted at eastsussexnf@yahoo.co.uk
WEST MIDLANDS MEETINGThis meeting will be held on Saturday 20 th February. Speakers include Jim Starkey (Sunderland NF) and Andy Gray (Northants NF). For details ring 07507878054.
KRISS DONALD MEMORIAL RALLY GLASGOW 21st March 2010The date of this march and rally has now been changed to the weekend of the 20 th/21 st. Top NF speakers have bee invited to attend.

The National Front wants to stand as many candidates as possible in the General Election expected in May or June this year. (The feeling is Brown will leave it until June which is the latest date this political toad can hang on to his fragile power)
. The NF aims to stand candidates in Hull, Leeds, Bradford, Lancs, West Midlands, Newcastle, East Midlands, London and the South-East. All this will depend on cash. The bare minimum per candidate including £500 deposit is around £1000 and donations  to the NF General Election fund are URGENTLY need now.
Send whatever you can to:-The Secretary
PO Box 114, Solihull,
West Midlands, B91 2UR.
0121 2466838
07950 474 625 (Make Cheques/PO’s out to “National Front”)
NATIONAL FRONT GENERAL ELECTION LAUNCH - LONDON MEETING 21 st FEBRUARY 2010This will be held on Sunday 21st February to officially launch both the local and General Election campaigns of the National Front - the election is expected on the 6th May.
Speakers booked are: Dr. Tom Sunic (Worldwide well respected Nationalist)
Tom Linden (Press & Publicity Officer)
Jim Lewthwaite (Bradford NF)
Kev Bryan (North West NF)
Eddy Morrison (NF Information Department)
There will be a cover charge of £6 to cover buffet
For RV details ring - 07930623672
Or Email -

NF SCOTLAND MEETING FEBRUARY 2010There will be a major meeting of the Scottish National Front in February. The date is now confirmed as Saturday 13 th February. For details contact nfscotland@yahoo.com or phone - 07826 577635. Just as in Ulster and Wales, NF Scotland is on the move!
NF BRADFORD MEETING – Sunday 31 st JanuaryA good meeting of Bradford National Front attracted nearly 50 NF members and supporters with five new members signing up during the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Yorkshire Organiser Tom Linden. The first speaker was Dr. James Lewthwaite who gave an incisive commentary on the state of Nationalism in Bradford and what could be done to put it right with the emphasis on electoral activity. The second speaker was East Midlands Regional Organiser Andy Gray whose maiden speech was well received. After a short break, the second to last speaker was Burnley NF Organiser; Steve Smith whose speech covered a well argued attack on the Globalist plans to destroy our Race and Nation. The last speaker was Director of NF Information Eddy Morrison who gave a rousing speech on the need to make the fight for Free Speech a key propaganda strategy in the NF's drive to restore freedom of thought, speech and action to White Nationalists in Britain. Well done to Bradford NF Organiser, Joe Uttley for organising a fantastic event.
Over 150 issues of latest February edition of "Britain First" were sold.
Have YOU renewed your Annual Membership Subscription for 2010 yet? The annual subscription is just £10 per year. Renewals are now being taken and should be sent to:-
The Secretary
PO Box 114, Solihull,
West Midlands, B91 2UR.
0121 2466838
07950 474 625
Renew early - 2010 Membership Cards are already going out
The National Front is the only true racial-nationalist party now in Britain.
There is no better way to fight for your Race and Nation than being a paid up member of the renascent NF. (If you pay ONLINE through PayPal, there is an extra £1 charge to cover administration and PayPal fee – join online HERE)

BRITAIN FIRST” No.9 February issue OUT NOW!
Eight news and views packed pages 50p per copy
Annual Subscription £12.00 incl postage
Bulk rates now available for first time (50 copies or over – postage extra – email for quote)
Sample Issue £1.00 incl postage
10 copies £4.00 incl postage
20 copies £7.00 incl postageTop of Form
50 copies £15.00 incl postage
Order from
Britain First
PO Box 282

Please make Cheque/PO to "Britain First"
For fuller details click

NEW BADGE AND HERITAGE POSTCARDS from the NFThere are now 3 different NF badges available as well as a set of great Heritage cards – check out the Merchandise Page.
National Front News is produced by the National Publicity Department of the NF. Copyright 2009. NF News may be reprinted as long as no part is altered and the whole publication is reproduced in total.
NF News can be contacted at nfnews@ntlworld.com Editor – Nice Guy Eddy.
To subscribe send Email with word “Subscribe Me Now!” as the heading. To unsubscribe send Email with unsubscribe as heading. Editors personal Blog - http://britishnationalist14.blogspot.com/

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