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National Front <nationalfront@ntlworld.com>
Předmět: National Front News No.57
Datum: 11.2. 2011, 13:21 - dnes v 13:21


No. 57                              Weekly E-News of the National Front                          12 th February 2011
"We all grow up with the weight of history on us.  Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiralling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies.  ~Shirley Abbott
FIGHTING THE LIBERAL-OLIGARCHY by Eddy MorrisonThe oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. That is the dictionary definition and I would like to show in this short article that that is exactly what we have in the United Kingdom.
Any Nationalist who has been in the service of the Cause for a while and studied the political situation at a deeper level will be more than aware that what we see as “The British Government” is not the ruling body of this country. It is merely a puppet of a Globalist Cabal set on establishing a New World Order.
However, at a lower level the day to day running of this country is in the hands of a group of people whom I call “The Liberal-Oligarchy”. It is, compared to the sixty million inhabitants of our beleaguered islands, a small minority but still runs into the tens of thousands.
Who are the Liberal-Oligarchs? They can be found everywhere. In the Civil Service; in the Media; in Parliament; at various government levels; in a large number of quangos; in our schools and universities, in fact anywhere that opinion makers and shapers are to be found.
It is a pyramidical structure from the lowest left liberal teacher inculcating her class of infants with the glories of “A Rainbow Nation” right through to the top Mandarins in our Civil Service who make the day to day big decisions which affect our lives.
They are found too in the legal profession and the laws passed by successive traitorous Westminster governments are given force by a Liberal-Oligarchy of Judges and Prosecutors who enforce the waves of anti-British legislation.

How would you recognise a Liberal-Oligarch?
Firstly, they wield power to a greater or lesser extent and secondly they all have the same mindset. They believe with a cold fanaticism in the destruction of nationhood; of the family; of national sovereignty and of the very existence of Race.
They stem from a group who graduated from the universities of Great Britain during the 1930’s and 40’s, when to be a Communist was de rigueur. They have carried and established this hideous ideology into every facet of British life and have passed it on to successive generations until we have arrived at a time when people like myself, who believes in his race and nation and the virtues of sovereignty and family are at best viewed as traditionalist dinosaurs and at worst as dangerous Nazi lunatics (their term not mine!).
These Liberal-Oligarchs may be from different political backgrounds, but as we know party differences are so insignificant as to be blurred to the extent that we might as well just have one ‘ruling’ party.
The more you fight for our Cause of White-Nationalism, which up to the 1930’s and the advent of Marxist infiltration of the upper echelons of our society, the truths of White Nationalism was self evident, the more you will be persecuted and reviled. Travel back to the 1920’s and you will find the opinion makers then were almost totally patriotic and took the fact of racial differences as an obvious truth. All this was to change as the opinion shifters poured out of Oxford and Cambridge and have filled with themselves and their brainwashed offspring the positions of power and opinion making in Britain.
They have successfully ‘educated’ generation after generation of a smug liberal elite into thinking as Marxists without realising the agenda they are pushing.
To these people the greatest virtue is to advance the cause of a One World State and denigrate in any way possible any signs of Nationalism.
Can the Liberal-Oligarchs in their smug towers be fought and defeated? This leads me to George Orwell’s most important work “1984”. In that book (and if you haven’t read it go out now and buy a copy!), Orwell talks about the Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, a book by Emmanuel Goldstein, a fictional book that is a thematic and plot element integral to the dystopian novel. In the totalitarian society of Oceania, ruled by the omnipotent and omniscient Party, in its propaganda, Emmanuel Goldstein is the principal enemy of the state — a former member of the Inner Party – continually conspiring against the leadership of Big Brother. Early in the story, the protagonist thinks to himself: "There were . . . whispered stories of a terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies, of which Goldstein was the author and which circulated clandestinely here and there. It was a book without a title. People referred to it, if at all, simply as “The Book".
The theme Orwell was putting was that “The Book” was actually the work of the Oligarchy and they were following Lenin’s dictum “If you cannot beat the Opposition then be the Opposition”.
So we are moving towards a time when the Liberal-Oligarchs can be seen creating fake opposition movements and where the real opposition such as the National Front is driven further and further underground. We are denied our right to free speech, free expression and assembly and access to the mass media.
Orwell says through the mouth of his leading character Winston Smith that if there is any hope it will come from “The Proles”.
Today in Britain “The Proles” are the great mass of disenfranchised White people who still maintain the healthy values that go with being patriotic and realising your own country must come first.
The White masses know something is wrong even if they lack the organisation to formulate and express their anger.
That is how we can beat the Liberal-Oligarchs. Despite decades of multi-racial brainwashing in our schools, youngsters for the most part come out with the values which we as Nationalist have. The minority who do not, go on to University and join the Liberal-Oligarchy.
The Oligarchy has nothing but extreme contempt for the masses and in that contempt lays their greatest weakness. They spoon feed them a diet of soap operas and lotteries but just talk to the ordinary man or woman in the street – scratch the surface and you will find a British Nationalist.
If and when a Movement such as the National Front harnesses this great untapped source of power then the Liberal-Oligarchy can be swept away overnight just as happened in 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell and Communism with it.
We must be at all times agitating, educating and recruiting, building the beginnings of a might mass movement that will one day sweep this truly evil Oligarchy from power.

MESSAGE FROM THE NF DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTA new section of the National Front Organisational Department has been established – the NF Development Department. Headed by Rob Poundall, a veteran Nationalist, its duties include the encouragement and establishment of new NF units as well as Official Contacts. To become a NF Official Contact, you must be in an area with no NF presence at the moment and be willing to set up a dedicated NF email address for that area as well as a mobile phone contact number. You can contact Rob on 07745758660. See also HERE on the main NF site.

Young National Front February 2011 by YNF Leader Danny Brown

In the last 2 months we have worked toward 3 main goals within the Young NF.
1. To bring quality above quantity
2. To challenge the lies
3. To rebuild the street campaign of the National Front and see it rise far and beyond the glory days of yesterday.
With that said the main goal will be both quality and quantity in the long term but in order to be heard by the masses it will take those with the ambition and skill to speak above the crowd. It will take a special kind of Nationalist to rise out of the filth and decay we see and stand above the mess. Only when those with that ambition and skill step forward will the masses feel enough confidence to stand with us.
If we do not stand then nobody else will find the will or ambition or bravery to stand. Instead we shall witness the death nail in our morals and we will have helped the enemy fill in the grave of our ideology.
We can only build bridges if both sides are willing to do so. By both sides I don't mean the NF and ANY of those with other alternative views on Race & Nation. I most certainly am not suggesting unity with the enemy and I haven't woke up today with the burning ambition to support Israel either. I am talking about the divide amongst the elements we can trust and should work with. We have a cultural and racial legacy to defend and the media have done their very best to make anything "Pro White" look bad. Politics has also played right into that political prison and shunned various "pro white" movements so as to "get the vote" or "play the game" The big problem is the game they played with our political ideals was not "our game" it was "their game" they had the cards pre-shuffled, they had the dice prepared in advance and our last hope parties sat down at the table and played the dead mans game with the soul takers.
We cannot and should not sit at a table with these people; we should make the biggest effort to distance ourselves from this kind of "patriot" because they have for the last 20+ years played the game and gambled with our future. There are other examples that are complete opposites of the last example. We trusted the parties of old and they spat in our faces, we stood by them and they folded into weakness and greed. The last party with any back bone was the party that should have been at the front of people’s minds throughout the last 44 years. It should have been the National Front in the spotlight and it should have been the policies of the National Front which came forward for the majority of the nation to decide on. The reason that didn't happen can be discussed time after time but the past is the past and we are here now.
Blood and Honour, never damaged the National Front, have never attacked the National Front, never saw itself against the National Front and has been paramount in gathering support for events like the National Front Remembrance Day gathering in London each and every year. “Music and Word” - a great combination that has been nothing but positive for our belief system and more to the point Blood and Honour as with the National Front have ALWAYS stuck to core principles. They do not bend the rules; they do not change the policy. Two examples of excellence and two examples of morally right. It’s this kind of bridge that needs rebuilding. We don't have to distance ourselves from ANYONE just to score points because Blood and Honour are not terrorists they are not extremists they are simply a Musical Heritage Movement spreading a message that we are entitled to hear. A message of unity a message of desperation and a need for radical change to the current policies that are killing our race and smothering our nation. The unity and the bridge building have to be serious, not a phrase we bounce around to sound good or to get a loud cheer from the crowd once in a while.
The need for bringing together ideas, the need to start trusting just a little instead of living in a constant state of paranoia because the men on the forum could be this and could be that. We have the right to stand, we have the same right to defend and we have every right to reject something which we consider un-British or un-White. We are not terrorists and we are not dangerous members of society as the media would have the masses believe. We love the green fields of England and we love the heather filled mountains of Scotland, we have love for our people and love for our way of life and love for our customs. In that alone we can display countless examples of how we love and given a chance and a platform we can address those who are concerned by us and show them that we actually are NOT the haters but those that deeply care about what happens tomorrow.

So that is the aim we have, we won't lay dormant and leave open wounds amongst the last of our people. We are working to bring together those who claim to be "fighting for their race and nation" You don't have to stand next to your arch enemy and smile but your nation requires you to act with those who you agree with and not covertly help those who would bring harm to us all. The need to build bridges falls down to me because without those mended bridges the youth just goes on hating. It’s like looking at an Ireland dispute happening in a Nationalist Form and we can't afford to watch the divisions in our own ranks grow any bigger. The English Defence League have announced they would like to become a political force and like I stated to many good comrades if we sit back and let Pro Zionist ideology penetrate the right wing as is happening right now in parts of Europe we run the risk of playing that game that so many others played with our future. I won't ever sit at the table with the devil. I will never pick up the corrupted dice of the devil and I will never play a hand of cards with the Devil. I will keep the chips I have, take the risk with the cards I was dealt when my mother brought me into this world. I will throw my own dice and draw my own line in the sand. There is no room for division amongst the best of us, just as there will never be room for unity with us and the worst of them.

Our battle is hard and the time scale is long. Quality is already taking shape and form, quantity will follow. The lies and propaganda of the enemy is being confronted on all corners of these nations and the time where the National Front watches from the sidelines are over as of now. The truth will set free those who have the courage to look for it. Those who sit in silence will never have their voices heard unless we can speak for them and one thing we must always hold on to is the fact that the words we have no fear in speaking are the same words so many fear to say but are also thinking.

We will be active up and down the land this year. No more event a year for people to attend. No more looking at others holding rallies and wondering why we didn't think of that. No more worrying about funds for everything to work. More people willing to get up and get out and stand with those who they agree with or against those they do not. No more fear of the reds because they might outnumber you. They may indeed outnumber the people at an event but always remember you have nothing to fear when you are the one telling the truth. No more declaring that you’re unable to attend because of your position in a job or because of your "complications" with your family and friends having no idea you’re a supporter of Nationalist ideals. If you’re proud then you’re standing with us if your ashamed then you don't truly have any faith or valour or commitment in the first place and in that aspect we don't need people who have no will to make changes and advance our voice. I don't plan to build a YNF of odds and ends because the present looks so dire that I cannot afford to run risks with the National Front’s critical future. For me and for the YNF only those with solid commitment are needed. You don't have 110% passion for race and nation then you are best to join one of those more liberal movements because this isn't a half way house for anyone.

We are the Young National Front & whether you like it or not we shall be coming to a town near you in the very near future.

February 26th 2011 Bolton Town Centre (Bolton Says No To Drugs)
March 2011 London Central (Sky News HQ) No More Media Lies
April - Date To Be Confirmed "Free Pedro Rally" England/Scotland Joint Event
May 2011 - European Unity gathering with various Nationalist Movements

Spearhead No.4 now available
The Spring 2011 issue of Spearhead – Number four is now available. Twenty pages of articles and comment. Too good to miss! Sample copy £2.50, Annual Subscription £10. Cheques/PO’s payable to “Spearhead”. Order from BM NFOnline, London WC1N 3XX or order
BRITAIN FIRST No.16 – Feb/March issue is now at the printers. For a sample copy send £1 to
Derby National Front
PO Box 7925,
DE56 9EL

NF Membership Renewals
Party members are reminded that the £10 subscription for their 2011 membership is now due. You can also renew ONLINE with credit or debit card. Check out
Don’t delay – renew now and if you are receiving this bulletin and are not yet a member then you can JOIN ONLINE now too!

National Front News is produced by the NFOnline (nfonline@national-front.org.uk). Copyright 2011. NF News may be reprinted as long as no part is altered and the whole publication is reproduced in total.
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