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pondělí 10. ledna 2011

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Předmět: National Front News No.52
Datum: 8.1. 2011, 19:33 - před 2 dny


No. 52                              Weekly E-News of the National Front                          09 th January 2011
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” – Aristotle
Welcome back to National Front News! With this issue, No.52 we aim to get back to a weekly newsletter. Subscribers and readers may be aware that pressure from an Internet Provider forced NF News into an on site occasional publication. However, we feel the time is right to recommence the popular weekly format. What we do ask is that any patriots receiving this bulletin each week please forward it on to any other email contacts you have so that we get the widest possible circulation. Our subscriber list was depleted by our four months absence as a weekly bulletin and we need this to be built back up again. You can do your bit by encouraging EVERY patriot that you know to subscribe. NF News is free and all you have to do is send in an email to nationalfront@ntlworld.com with the words “Subscribe Me” as the header. Many thanks and let’s build up a good weekly NF online e-bulletin again.

Forty-Fourth Anniversary Meeting of the National Front 5 th February 2011
At a planning meeting of key West Yorkshire NF officers held in Leeds on Saturday 8 th January, the format for what we hope will become an annual event – the Foundation of the National Front Anniversary rally. The National Front was formed on Saturday February 7 th 1967 at a meeting in the Caxton Hall, London and each year we aim to hold an Anniversary Rally on the nearest Saturday to this date both to highlight the longevity and continuity of the Front and to celebrate a year gone by and prepare members for the coming year of struggle against the System.
The rally will be followed by a social. The speaker line up has now been finalised and is as follows:-
Chairman of Meeting, Ian Edward (NF National Chairman); Tony Braithwaite (veteran NF member – East Yorkshire NF); Nick Walsh (NF National Organiser); Simon Biggs (NF North-East Regional Organiser); Tom Linden (NF Press and Publicity); Kev Bryan (Deputy-Chairman, National Front);Chris Jackson (NF North-West Regional Organiser); Eddy Morrison (NF Online).
More details as we get nearer the date. Register now at the dedicated meeting mobile contact:-
0787 6383636 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0787 6383636      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Supporters are also welcome as are members of the other patriotic groups – you can join the NF on the day!

NF Membership Renewals
Party members are reminded that the £10 subscription for their 2011 membership is now due. You can also renew ONLINE with credit or debit card. Check out
Don’t delay – renew now and if you are receiving this bulletin and are not yet a member then you can JOIN ONLINE now too!

Young National Front
The new National Organiser of the YNF, Danny Brown has started an excellent YNF site at
Danny has big plans for the onward growth of the YNF and is already busily recruiting new members. Anyone joining between the ages of 14 and 25 automatically becomes a member of the YNF.
This resurgence of the Young Front has caused a lot of interest with many other nationalist forums, sites and blogs linking the YNF Blog. The YNF also has a presence on Face Book.

The Tasks Ahead for 2011
The National Front for the last two years has had to totally re-establish itself after some years of near stagnation. Thanks to the Herculean efforts of an ever growing number of party officers, the Movement at the beginning of 2011 is on firmer ground than it has been for many years.
2011 will still be a year of consolidation and growth but will also see a growing increase in both electoral and street activity.
Already NF units are gearing up for the May 2011 elections and a fair number of candidates will be standing for council seats. Together with this, street activities such as leafleting, “Days of Action”, small demos will also be taking place as well as the three main events in the Movement’s year – the St. George’s Day March; the October Annual General Meeting and the November Remembrance Day through Central London which will be held on either Sunday the 6 th or the 13 th this year.
The NF now has a presence in most regions of the country, with rapid growth in Ulster and Scotland but we need a web of units covering every section of the United Kingdom. If there is at the moment no NF presence in your area then you can become an Official NF Contact by submitting an email address and Contact phone number to organisation@national-front.org.uk
The accent especially this year will be on YOUTH and we aim to attract as many young men and women into our Movement as possible. Young people who at the moment who are totally disaffected and disenfranchised from the ZOG dominated System but who are either attending the wrong sort of protest meeting (at which they are given NO political insight such as the FRONT can give them) or are walking the streets of our decaying cities without prospect or hope. The Movement offers them a valid and meaningful home where they can discover the identity and heritage which has so far been withheld from them.
The NF, as a Broad-church Movement also holds out its hands to Nationalists who have been or maybe even still are members of groups which have sold out their racial-nationalist principles. We hope they will march with their consciences and reject Opportunism and embrace the true White Nationalism of the NF.
2011 is going to be an exciting year – be part of it by being part of the NF!

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE ON UK SEX GANGSThe fact that Asian sex grooming gangs have been targeting our female children for years comes as no surprise to me at all as I have been involved in demonstrations against this vile act for years.
What does surprise me is the fact the Times Newspaper has not only covered the story but that they have sought to tell the truth regarding the perpetrators and admitted that they are mainly Asian and their victims are all White.
A culture of silence that has facilitated the sexual exploitation of hundreds of young British girls by criminal pimping gangs is exposed by The Times today.
For more than a decade, child protection experts have identified a repeated pattern of sex offending in towns and cities across northern England and the Midlands involving groups of older men who groom and abuse vulnerable girls aged 11 to 16 after befriending them on the street.
Most of the victims are white and most of the convicted offenders are of Pakistani heritage, unlike other known models of child-sex offending in Britain, including child abuse initiated by online grooming, in which the vast majority of perpetrators are white.
Northern police forces have investigated gangs of on-street predators for at least 14 years. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/
West Yorkshire Police not only closed down its investigation into Asian sex grooming they even had a Channel4 documentary postponed until after an election to prevent the Nationalist vote increasing due to the doc being shown.
To me that’s putting politics before children’s safety and that is vile.
The National Front demands that Sir Norman Bettison, Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police reopens the investigation into Asian sex grooming gangs, that they employ the same level of officers as in the old investigation and that they get results.
The National Front demands that all local media and the press take this matter to heart and cover the story; let’s have an open debate here; let’s see an attempt by the media to tell the truth and not worry about upsetting Asian newsagents and their community as a whole.
Hundreds of children’s lives are at extreme risk and warnings regarding this dangerous threat must be given to our parents via the press and the media.
This week I have emailed all relevant press and media in an attempt to force them into covering this story as the Times has done.
I will use this bulletin to inform you of the results, I am very tempted to say ‘Don’t hold your breath’
Tom Linden (NF Press and Publicity)
National Front News is produced by the NFOnline (nfonline@national-front.org.uk). Copyright 2011. NF News may be reprinted as long as no part is altered and the whole publication is reproduced in total.
NF News can be contacted at nationalfront@ntlworld.com
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