Předmět: What we must do to get our eco
Datum: 24.2. 2010, 23:32 - včera v 23:32
Okno pro rychlou odpověď
"> Governor Tim Kaine, Democrats.org
Předmět: President Obama's plan
Datum: 24.2. 2010, 03:29 - včera v 03:29
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Jaroslav -- Yesterday morning, President Obama unveiled his health reform proposal. The President's health reform proposal builds upon existing legislation and includes provisions to cut waste, fraud, and abuse while making health care more affordable and available. The proposal would set up a Health Insurance Rate Authority to regulate unreasonable rate hikes -- like the ones we just saw in California and Maine. It would amount to the biggest middle class tax cut for health care in our nation's history. And it would help extend coverage to more than 31 million more Americans who are without health insurance today. We are closer than ever to reforming our broken health care system, and the President's proposal yesterday is the next big step to arriving at that goal. Click here to find out what the President's proposal would mean for you. Every day without reform is another day millions of Americans go without much-needed coverage or fear losing their coverage at the worst moment. It's another day employers face skyrocketing costs and another day that some insurance companies will engage in unfair practices and unreasonable rate hikes. When a major health insurer notified California residents of premium increases of nearly forty percent this month, it showed again how urgently we need reform. My hope is that Republicans will now set aside obstruction and partisan games and make a genuine effort to help pass meaningful reform on behalf of the American people -- starting with this Thursday's bipartisan health reform summit. The President is continuing a proud legacy of pragmatic Democratic governance. He's listening to every idea put forward -- and we hope the final bill will include the best from both parties. This proposal achieves the President's long-stated goals: Security for the insured, coverage for the uninsured and cost control for families and businesses. See how you would benefit from the President's plan: http://my.democrats.org/PresidentsProposal Thanks, Governor Tim Kaine P.S. -- This Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time, President Obama will be hosting a bipartisan meeting on health reform and you can watch it on our website. Click here to RSVP and sign up for a reminder to watch, or view highlights: http://my.democrats.org/BipartisanRSVP | |||
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